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JapanesePod101 vs Japademy - Why I changed to Japademy and never looked back

March 30, 2024
JapanesePod101 vs Japademy - Why I changed to Japademy and never looked back

In a world full of diverse languages, Japanese has always been a captivating language to learn, especially if you like watching Japanese anime, Japanese movies, and even reading Japanese manga. In this article, I will walk you through my Japanese learning journey, my experience with JapanesePod101, and how I found better JapanesePod101 alternatives, such as Japademy. So, if you’re interested in my Japanese learning journey, keep on reading!

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been enchanted with the intricacies of words and even languages. Born from a mixed-race family having two languages spoken around our home, I learned to appreciate different languages and the culture behind them. My journey with the Japanese started like many others. Watching anime sparked my curiosity about the Japanese language. As I delved deeper into it, I realized that it was not just a means of communication, but also it was a doorway to a world brimming with history, literature, and tradition. Aside from this, learning Japanese was a medium to open up a lot of opportunities for me in the future.

The Search for Learning Resources: JapanesePod101's Irresistible Call

Plenty of Japanese lessons available at JapanesePod101
Photo taken from japanesepod101.com

In my freshly started journey to learn Japanese fluently, I was determined to find the best learning resources and methods online. I wanted to absorb as much knowledge as possible. Upon searching online, I came across many articles talking about JapanesePod101 and how it is the best platform for learning Japanese online. 

After I delved into the articles and saw some ads, JapanesePod101 seemed like a great choice for learning Japanese, especially for beginners like me. The platform promised to offer comprehensive lessons suitable for learners at any level. In addition, it boasted of offering an easy-to-use interface which makes navigating into their website easy.

As I explored JapanesePod101 further, I was impressed by the range of lessons available. Aside from this, the flexibility of on-demand lessons seemed like a dream come true as I prefer to learn at home and have other commitments other than learning. However, as I delved deeper, I found myself having difficulties with the complexities of Japanese grammar and struggling to master pronunciation without personalized guidance.

Despite the abundance of resources available, I felt adrift and overwhelmed with the sea of information. I struggled to know where to start and what to focus on. Aside from these, I felt like I was longing for a more interactive learning experience that JapanesePod101 did not provide to me. 

While the platform provided plenty of pre-recorded lessons, which I think some of them are already outdated by the way, I wanted to have real-time feedback and meaningful interactions with native speakers and other learners. That’s when I realized that JapanesePod101 didn’t cater to my needs and goals anymore.

The Turning Point: Discovering Japademy

Japademy’s Japanese learning website
Photo taken from japademy.com 

In my search for a new Japanese learning platform or JapanesePod101 alternatives, I had a rule to thoroughly assess them first to see if they would cater to my needs and goals as a learner. Upon searching online, I found out about Japademy. It’s like a hidden gem promising authentic Japanese learning experiences with native Japanese teachers. I was intrigued by their live lessons partnered with personalized guidance. So, I decided to explore what Japademy had to offer.

What immediately struck me was the friendliness and approachability of Japademy's native Japanese teachers. They were prompt and kind when answering all my questions about their lessons, curriculum, and the way they teach. Aside from this, unlike the one-size-fits-all approach of JapanesePod101’s pre-recorded lessons, Japademy provided a dynamic learning environment where I could interact and engage with teachers as well as other students in real-time which fosters a sense of community and support. 

In addition, their pricing is a big plus for me because their lessons are the most affordable price I could find online. Those are what made me continue my Japanese learning experience with Japademy.

My Experience in Japademy: A Breath of Fresh Air

Learning Japanese with Japademy’s Japanese Online Courses
Photo taken from japademy.com 

Upon immersing myself in Japademy’s offerings, I was amazed by the depth of the experience it offered. My experience with them went beyond just classes, it was a whole community. Unlike the solo study I experienced before, Japademy made learning Japanese feel like a team effort. The live Japanese lessons led by native Japanese teachers weren’t just lectures, they were lively discussions that made the language come alive, making it easier and more fun for me to learn.

What stood out was the chance to talk to teachers in real time. For me, the most important thing when it comes to learning Japanese is having live interactions with the teacher. With Japademy’s Japanese native teachers, I was able to ask questions and chat with them, which turned learning into a conversation rather than a one-way street. Whether we were talking about how to improve my grammar or diving into cultural topics, the teachers weren’t just educators, they were like mentors to me guiding me through my language-learning journey.

In addition, being able to communicate and engage with my fellow students added excitement and depth to my experience. Through activities and discussions, we were able to share our love for the Japanese language and culture as well as discuss our experiences and other tips in learning. Learning with people from different backgrounds brought new perspectives and made my journey more enriching.

What I liked the most, aside from the classes, is that Japademy offered plenty of extra learning resources to explore. We were given learning handouts and practice flashcards which we can use to supplement our learning during our free time. Aside from those, we were also given free access to their Online Video Courses which were a big help to me because I used them to reinforce my knowledge during my free time.

Most importantly, Japademy boosted my confidence in Japanese. Getting personalized feedback and support from my Japanese teachers helped me feel more comfortable using the language. As my skills improved, so did my excitement and motivation for learning.

Why I Never Looked Back

Eighteen months on, I remain a devoted student of Japademy, cherishing every moment of my Japanese learning journey and continuously finding a way to improve. My decision to switch from JapanesePod101 to Japademy was undoubtedly one of the best I’ve made.

As I reflect on my journey with Japademy, I am filled with gratitude for the countless ways it has enriched my life. What began as a search for the best Japanese learning platform has blossomed into a lifelong passion for Japanese language and culture, a journey that I am proud to continue with Japademy by my side.

Comparison Table: JapanesePod101 vs Japademy

Japanese Teachers
YES - Live lessons led by native Japanese teachers
NO - No interaction with native speakers
Personalized Feedback
YES - Real-time feedback and interaction
NO - Only pre-recorded content
Community Engagement
YES - Active community with teachers and peer support
MAYBE - Minimal opportunities for interaction except for some forums
Affordable Price
YES - The most affordable I found online for live lessons
YES - Varied subscription plans
Personalized Learning Experience
YES - Structured curriculum with personalized support
NO - Self-paced lessons with limited guidance
Web / Mobile Learning App
NO - Online lessons only
YES - Learn on your device
Overall Score
4.7 / 5
3.8 / 5

Final Words about JapanesePod101 vs Japademy - Why I changed to Japademy and never looked back

Japademy’s native Japanese teacher teaching Japanese online
Photo taken from japademy.com

In essence, while JapanesePod101 offers a wealth of resources, my experience with Japademy’s 10-week Japanese Course has been nothing short of transformative. Japademy has not only transformed the way I learn Japanese but has also become an integral part of my identity as a language learner. Its unwavering support, innovative approach to teaching, and vibrant community have left an incredible mark on my journey. It shaped me into the confident and enthusiastic learner I am today. For that, I will forever be grateful, and I look forward to many more years of growth and discovery with Japademy.

So, if you’re tired of feeling lost in the sea of information and craving for a more interactive and supportive environment like I felt back then, then Japademy is the solution you’ve been searching for.

Start learning Japanese. Join the January 2025 intake for our Japanese 10-weeks Online Course while seats available. Don't wait more!
Kanami Iwasaki, Japademy Founder

Japademy | Learn Japanese

We are a Japanese language school with students in worldwide and native Japanese teachers located in 7+ countries. We provide students with high quality engaging lessons from beginner to advanced levels. Start learning Japanese with us today.